World Suicide Prevention Day 2024

Every year on 10 September, organisations and communities around the world come together to raise awareness about how we can work together to create a world where fewer people die by suicide. 

World Suicide Prevention Day is a chance for us all to come together, raise awareness, and take meaningful steps towards preventing suicide and supporting those who may be struggling to cope. 

A recent poll found that only 45% of people feel comfortable talking to family and friends about suicidal thoughts, compared to 74% who said they feel comfortable talking about mental health. 

How to help someone open up:

  • Choose a safe, quiet space, give the other person your full attention and put away your phone.
  • Ask how they’re doing, using open questions that need more than a yes or no answer, such as “How do you feel?” or “What’s that like for you?” 
  • Listen without judgement and try not to jump straight in with your advice or opinions. 
  • Don’t be afraid to ask someone if they’re having suicidal thoughts. It gives them permission to tell you how they feel. 
  • Let them know that there is always someone there to listen. They can call Samaritans free day or night on 116 123 or visit 

What should people Do to help? 

  • Watch out for changes in behaviour that could mean someone’s struggling to cope. 
  •  Speak up to let someone know that there is support available. 
  •  Play your part by reaching out to anyone you’re concerned about. 
  •  Ditch the stigma – suicidal thoughts are far more common than most people know – so let’s talk about it!